Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill


It has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing kidney, and is the basic prescription for nourishing kidney yin. It is clinically used to treat dizziness, soreness of waist and knees, tinnitus and deafness, physical fatigue, night sweats and spermatorrhea, thirst, bone steam and hot flashes, hot palms and soles, dry tongue and sore throat, shaking teeth, and heel pain. Pain, misaligned fontanels, red tongue with little coating, and thready pulse in children; in recent years, clinical treatment of chronic nephritis, renal hypertension, essential hypertension, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, renal tuberculosis, chronic prostatitis, and erythema Lupus, neurasthenia, hyperthyroidism, sudden deafness, retrobulbar optic neuritis, optic atrophy, central retinitis, anovulatory functional uterine bleeding, menopausal syndrome and other problems, if the liver and kidney yin deficiency is the main problem , commonly used addition and subtraction of this prescription to treat.

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